Today we celebrate St. Benedict’s passing from this world into eternity with God. We remember and celebrate St. Benedict’s greatness here, but we may misunderstand in what his greatness lies.
He was a man who wrote a rule of living for groups of men who simply wanted to find union with God by living a radical Christian life. His rule was composed for a particular group of men living in central Italy in the 6th century of whom he was the spiritual father. It was a rule based upon his own experience as a hermit and as the leader of another group of men supposedly seeking God but who tried to kill him. It was a rule that incorporated the best of other rules in spiritual teaching and wisdom. It was and is a simple and flexible rule but one that, if understood and followed, inexorably leads to its goal.
St. Benedict had no idea or intention of founding institutions that would become preservers and protectors and teachers of Western culture and civilization. He had no conception of founding a religious order.
St. Benedict’s greatness lies in that he accomplished well a good work for his time which the Holy Spirit has used to enrich and enlarge both the Church and the world. His greatness lies in his being open and cooperative with the Holy Spirit in living his Christian vocation, which demonstrates to us where any greatness we may attain also lies.
Follow Jesus Christ and follow Him well, live simply, work well and carry our crosses well.
St. Benedict, pray for us and lead us to where you have pass on.
O Holy Benedict, Confessor and Guide of monks, intercede for us and for the salvation of all.
Abbot Michael Brunner, OSB, is the 4th abbot of Portsmouth Abbey. He currently serves the monastic community as its superior and Portsmouth Abbey School as its Chancellor and its Director of Spiritual Life, also teaching in the Department of Theology.
Please click on his picture to the left or here to learn more about him.