Sometimes to stand on the shore and imagine how life will be in the depth of the ocean is wonderful. But it's not the experience of mystery which some deep sea divers have. They have touched the mystery and beauty of deep Blue Ocean. They have experienced the joy of seeing a pearl in its nature and life.
Monks are people who live their life inside the deep blue ocean of God's grace and love. We can just say to someone on the shore how beautiful it is, but could never describe the hidden beauties of this deep ocean, the color, fragrance and mystery.
St John the Evangelist asked Jesus in his first encounter with him, "Master where do you live?" How in a world of words existing in natural order Christ could have explained to him that he lives in the bosom of the Father. And Jesus answered
"Come and See"
Anyone who would like to get a taste of monastic life is invited to join us for few days.
The program can be scheduled around your availability and is open-ended; you may spend a few days or an entire week at the Abbey. During the stay, you will share the life of the monks, including prayer, spiritual reading, manual labor, daily conferences, exercise and rest.