This Week's Current: Tracing
the Legacy of Dom Hilary Martin | The November Commemorations | Saints and Souls: Awaiting a New World
the Legacy of Dom Hilary Martin
It is difficult to fully assess the impact of those who have gone before us here at Portsmouth Abbey. From this extensive list, we now highlight Dom Hilary Martin, a monk who very early in his monastic life was, to quote one of his brethren, "a leading figure in the community," and whose influence we still may discern visibly in the monastery and grounds we are now blessed to experience.
The well-known directive from Saint Benedict advises that on, "Keep death daily before your eyes." This is one of his more striking "tools from the workshop," listed in Chapter 4 of his Rule. It is one that we bring into use repeatedly in the month of November.
Our prayer and our reflection find expression in the homilies that interpret for us the Word and its meaning in our time. The reality of death becomes thematic for this month of November, and as the liturgical year reaches its end, our readings turn to the very end of time itself. We provide here some excerpts from sermons conveying the sense of these days.
The pace at which the season of Fall passes is unparalleled. This year,
even more so, as the School term was extraordinary: the return to
normalcy with school, the addition of major events like monastic
renovations, an accelerating headmaster’s search, and the Solemn
Profession of a new member of the monastic community. For me, it all
adds up to an encounter with Mystery.