Fr. Edward Mazuski writes this week about the Feast of Pentecost. “Every year 50 days after Easter, the Church celebrates the feast of Pentecost. This is one of the most important feasts in the calendar, commemorating the moment when Jesus’ followers were filled by the Holy Spirit. It is an impressive story… and it makes a clear connection between the coming of the Holy Spirit and the mission of the Church to evangelize the world.”
On Pentecost, the day of the foundation of the Manquehue Apostolic Movement (MAM), we are pleased to share news from Alvaro Gazmuri and Cata Quiroga, who send us their prayers and greetings from Santiago. The two, who worked with us for two years, and remain in contact with our lectio and Spirtual Life programs, remain active in MAM’s growing mission.
With May being the month of Mary, this week saw the return of Mass at the Lourdes Grotto for the boarding students. With the academic year soon concluding, the Prior reminded the students there that the Eucharistic meal offers, “a gift to make us into the gifted and unique individuals that each of us is and together are, a living image of Jesus Christ, the God-Man. So, celebrate each other tonight, and celebrate what God has done for you.”
Portsmouth Ordo, May 23-29, 2021
Sunday, May 23: Pentecost Sunday
Monday, May 24: Mary, Mother of the Church
Tuesday, May 25: Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor
Wednesday, May 26: Gregory VII, pope
Thursday, May 27: Augustine of Canterbury, bishop
Friday, May 28: Feria (Ordinary Time)
Saturday, May 29: Paul VI