Headmaster Daniel McDonough reflects our community's developing relationship with the Manquehue Apostolic Movement, drawing our attention to Patrick Barry's A Cloister in the World, which describes its origin and inspiration. Of that relationship, he writes: "When I am asked why we are doing this, I always respond: Friendship. That is where it has started and the friendship deepens each year."
On Sunday, February 7, Brother Sixtus Roslevich offered the principal conference for the annual gathering of religious of the Diocese of Providence for the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. His talk, "Mission as a Journey to Holiness," developed some of his personal experience of mission from within the Benedictine life.
Portsmouth Ordo, February 14-20
Sunday, February 14: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, February 15: Feria
Tuesday, February 16: Feria
Wednesday, February 17: Ash Wednesday
Thursday, February 18: Lenten weekday
Friday, February 19: Lenten weekday
Saturday, February 20: Lenten weekday
The schedule this week seems to open up a kind of asceticism of celebration, and rightly so. With Ash Wednesday this week, the Lenten season impinges into the Sixth Week of Ordinary Time, returning us to a season of repentance.